Newly invented media do not replace old ones, but simply converge with them so the traditional forms become used in different ways. Although traditional forms may no longer be dominant means of mass communication, they co-exist with the new technologies. So said Wolfgang Riepl, the editor-in-chief of the Nürnberger Zeitung in Germany. In 1913, radio, cinema and recorded music were starting to make a mark on consumers. Reipl developed this hypothesis in his dissertation on how news was delivered in ancient communities. To date, “Reipl’s law” is unrefuted.
I think I would have liked Herr Riepl. In our publication, Print &, Sappi provided insight from a number of research studies on media convergence by exploring consumer behavior, push/pull marketing, augmented reality and the importance of tactile materials in the ongoing effort to engage an audience. What the research shows is that rather than "cannibalize" each other's audience, print and digital work most effectively when they join forces to deliver the message across platforms. Greater success is achieved when traditional and new media work together. As Reipl knew, it’s all about convergence. Media convergence should be viewed as a collaboration between the touchpoints of your chosen audience—it’s a kind of cooperation that, I believe, can result in more effective outcomes. To find out more about the value of media convergence, be inspired by great examples of integrated campaigns and read recent research that continues to support the 1913 Riepl’s Law, visit us here at Does that make sense? Image used under license from
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