
Kirkniemi Mill, located in a lakeside city just one hour’s drive from Helsinki, produces far more than exceptional coated papers destined for high-quality printers. Thanks to a project with the Länsi-Uusimaa Water and Environment Association, the mill is also supporting the revitalisation of threatened aquatic species in nearby Mustionjoki River.
Water is vital to all life, and especially to our business. Water not only nourishes trees but is used to make pulp and paper, generate steam power and so much more in our mills. That’s why we take so seriously our role as responsible water stewards in the regions where we live and work.   
At Sappi, we’re focused on eco-effective actions that can reduce our water consumption and improve the quality of treated water we return to the environment as part of a circular economy.  That’s why we’re especially proud of Lanaken Mill’s achievements in Belgium. They pioneered a new wastewater treatment system that not only meets but exceeds the requirements under Belgian law.  
With innovation and ingenuity, we are making our mills eco-effective worldwide — reducing waste, emissions and maximising material and resource use at every opportunity. At Ehingen mill in Germany, we achieved a big eco-effective ‘win’ in 2019 by substantially increasing the amount of pulp we produce at the mill instead of purchasing it on the market.
For 10 years the wastewater had been running hot from the bleachery at our Stockstadt Pulp Mill in Bavaria, Germany. Where others just saw heat, however, Kai von Groddeck saw opportunity. As a mechanical engineer, he knew he could transform this wasted heat into a new energy source for the mill. 
Since we don’t own forestland in Europe, we work closely with our partners to uphold our responsible sourcing practices and encourage sustainable forestry.
Using storytelling to improve safety
Sappi Forests owns and leases approximately 390,000 hectares of plantations and outsources planting, harvesting and other operations to contractors.
Expanding the role of women in Sappi Forests
Talking to Nomathemba Sikhakhane, Forester, Glenthorpe Plantation, Mpumalanga.
Ensuring shared value throughout the forestry value chain
The barriers to entry to tree-farming are high, and unaffordable for many. That’s where our tree grower enterprise development initiative, Sappi Khulisa, comes in.
Learning a different set of skills
Pattern-cutting and sewing are not skills generally associated with fitters, millwrights and instrument technicians. However, one of the key things COVID-19 has taught us is the importance of flexibility.
