How trees fight climate change

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The world is in search of solutions to climate change, and sustainably managed forests are key to deliver them.

We continue to see how climate change is making an impact around the world, fueling forest fires and drying up water resources, diminishing food security, harming the world's biodiversity and more. 

This short video shows four ways that the forests under our watch and our woodfibre solutions help to fight climate change.  


Tackling climate change with Sappi

Looking for a written summary of the four points in the video? It's all below!

1. Capturing and storing CO2

Trees capture and store the carbon dioxide (CO2) that causes climate change. They absorb CO2 during photosynthesis and release oxygen (O2).

2. Transfering CO2 to wood products

Sappi pulp and paper mills use wood from trees to make paper, paperboard, and dissolving wood pulp products. This transfers the carbon in the trees to the wood products themselves.

3. Reusing woodfibre

Woodfibre has the capacity to be reused seven times before it no longer maintains its properties. This keeps the carbon stored in paper, paperboard, and dissolving wood pulp products out of the air longer and part of the circular economy. 

4. Creating new bio-based energy

After a product has been recycled in seven cycles, it can be combusted as fuel instead of being sent to landfill as waste. Combustion releases CO2 into the atmosphere, which is absorbed by the forest and starts the cycle over again.