Benefits of Lignex

Health and safety

  • Improved driving conditions (visibility and braking) for generally safer road conditions
  • Reduction in occupational hazards (in particular respiratory and related diseases)
  • Improved health and quality of life in rural communities

Productivity and savings

  • Improed haulage road turnaround times
  • Reduced water usage
  • Reduced road maintenance
  • Reduced vehicle and tyre wear and tear


  • Environmentally firendly and biodegradeable
  • Manufactured from a renewable resource
  • Improved compliance with ambient air quality regulations


  • Increased photosynthesis and pollination, resulting in better growth yields
  • Improved efficiency of pest and disease control spray programmes, due to improved penetration of active ingredients
  • Reduced levels of airborne pests, pathogens and spores in orchards and nurseries
  • Reduced rejection and downgrading of fruit due to stains and marks
Interested in this product?
Working with application experts, we have embarked on a programme to characterise the different lignin sources in Sappi and to identify new market opportunities.
Louis Kruyshaar, Executive Vice President of Sappi Biotech
Lignex acts as a surfactant and binder to ensure that unsealed (gravel) roads remain stable and dust-free.
Lignex is used in a variety of industries and applications in the mining sector, agricultural sector, fruit orchards and packhouses as well as the forestry sector.