Connected Print Publications

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Some of the many magazine options from

Early this year I received a unique birthday gift, a subscription to—a monthly delivery of my choosing which contains a copy of one of the world’s best independent magazines. This delivery is guaranteed to be beautiful, intelligent and filled with quality writing, cutting-edge design and exacting production values. In other words, a keeper.

You may know that I love the printed word. I read as many as 60 print publications per month. While  this number is tightly correlated with the time I spend in airports, I’d venture to guess that my consumption level is pretty high. I usually have four magazines packed in my carry-on luggage and four more stashed in my checked luggage.

Knowing all of this, you can imagine that access to a greater quantity and variety of printed magazines would appeal to me. What Stack does is select the best independent magazines and deliver them directly to your door. Founder, Steven Watson, started Stack because he believed there were ‘stacks’ of fantastic magazines out there just waiting to be discovered, and that he could help people find and enjoy many more diverse independent publications.

Stack offers several service options. I participate in the sample issue program where I receive a weekly email from Stack highlighting magazines on a variety of subjects from publishers around the world. The weekly snapshots feature photos, in-depth descriptions of content, a peek at their design philosophy and reviews of the publications. If I am interested in one of the featured magazines I can order a single issue for direct delivery.  If I like it, I can take the next step and subscribe to the magazine. 

My interests, therefore the magazines I select, are eclectic—from Polish photography to FARE about cuisines of the world to Istanbul! about Istanbul. But, what remains consistent is how much I always enjoy the experience of interacting with the printed materials—the design, the imagery, the printing, the paper quality—all of these elements stimulate my senses, and help me not only enjoy the content, but also remember and retain the information so that it can inform my thinking and expand my horizons.

Today, I’m celebrating that the internet can deliver print publications to my doorstep—publications I could not easily find—that bring me great pleasure. Maybe can do the same for you.

Does that make sense?

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