Sustainability Resource Hub

Results (448)
A flourishing forest provides a great many things–clean air, drinkable water, recreational opportunities, animal habitat, beautiful scenery, cool shade and, yes, paper and wood products.
We responsibly source woodfibre to ensure that the millions of hectares of forestland we rely on remain healthy today and tomorrow.
Small businesses have been called ‘the backbone of any economy’. They fuel local growth and development, sustain workers in meaningful employment and provide vital services.
Misconceptions about paper and printing exist in all types of media. Here, we show you seven truths about forests and paper in North America.
Sappi launched its #EmpowerHer netball programme in its neighbouring communities to coincide with Women’s Month in South Africa this year.
Kirkniemi Mill in Finland took a big leap forward in 2022 on the journey to decarbonisation by installing the equipment required to receive, store and handle biomass to power its multi-fuel boiler. During 2023 the mill should be able to finally exit coal and instead become powered by renewable bioenergy. 
The steam boilers that Sappi needs for paper production are increasingly part of the solution to climate change. Instead of relying on fossil fuels like gas, Maastricht Mill has installed an electronic or ‘e-boiler’ so that wind and solar can become part of the energy mix.
The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has approved our target to reduce carbon emissions 41.5% per ton of product by 2030, as well as our commitment that 44% of our suppliers by spend have science-based targets by 2026.
With new state-of-the-art technology, boiler 11 at Gratkorn Mill is shifting from a coal boiler to a multi-fuel boiler in two phases. The goal is to finally use only sustainable and renewable fuels.
Launch of the Sappi Chair in Climate Change and Plantation Sustainability at Wits University.
