Responsabilité environnementale

Our sustainability efforts extend well beyond compliance with environmental regulations.

We maintain a keen focus on three important issues: sustainable forestry practices, energy use and green house gas emissions, and recycling. We also stay abreast of emerging issues that are relevant and important to our stakeholder groups.

Test your recycling know-how by taking the eQ Recycling Quiz
At Sappi, we recognize that our sphere of influence extends beyond our mill gates.
Sappi North America is committed to sourcing wood and fiber from well managed forests.
Reducing energy consumption is a sustainability goal at Sappi North America.
Recycling paper is a great way to reduce our environmental footprint – but how we put that fiber to use is not a simple one-size-fits-all solution.
We are committed to sustainable consumption. Efficient use of materials reduces energy consumption, emission rates and waste to landfill.