He founded Dieline in 2007 and continues to share his knowledge about and passion for great design through his work as the Editor in Chief and CEO. Andrew is also a partner and Co-Chief Creative Officer of PRINTmag.com, where he relaunched the 80-year-old publication as a vibrant online creative hub. In 2009, Andrew started the Dieline Awards to formally recognize the world’s best consumer product packaging design. And in 2010, he founded Dieline Conference, an annual gathering of creative professionals in the packaging design and branding industry. Andrew became a Climate Reality Leader after training under Al Gore at the 2018 Climate Reality Corps and joined A Plastic Planet, a UK-based nonprofit that is dedicated to dramatically reducing the amount of single-use plastic used in the packaging industry. Andrew teaches packaging design at ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena, California, and speaks and consults worldwide on the topics of packaging design and sustainable packaging.