His work is included in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art, New York, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and the Library of Congress. He is co-author of five books, including Typewise, Long May She Wave and The Pentagram Papers.
During his career, he founded @issue: The Journal of Business and Design, was chair of the AIGA California Show (the first regional show in AIGA’s 85-year history), co-chaired the Alliance Graphique Internationale San Francisco Congress, chaired the AIGA Business Conference and San Francisco Design Lecture Series. Hinrichs is a recipient of the prestigious AIGA medal, in recognition of his exceptional achievements in the field of graphic design and visual communication.
Hinrichs is a past executive board member of the American Institute of Graphic Arts and a member of the Alliance Graphique Internationale. He has been an Art Center trustee since 1996.