The GVFBS helps feed more than 9,000 people each week in Burnaby, New Westminster, Vancouver and the North Shore. Additionally, the GVFBS aids over 100 food- serving agencies within these areas weekly.
Canstructiton is a unique charitable event, founded by the Society of Design Administration in the United States with the goal of helping to fight world hunger. Held annually in 45 cities across North America, this design/build competition challenges designers, architects, builders and students to create amazing structures out of canned foods. Following judging and a public exhibition, the "canstructions" are dismantled and the food donated to local food banks.
Finding innovative ways to support the community has always been a priority for Signals, so when the team heard about Canstruction, they were hooked and set about designing an identity and complete promotional campaign for the initiative in 2003. that was then followed up with the design and production of the 2004 campaign.
To establish the organization’s credibility, images of past Canstruction winners were incorporated into all communications, helping put the cause “on the map,” generating interest, attracting media attention and sponsors, recruiting a record number of teams and breaking all North American records for the amount of food and money raised.