Lignin, a major component of wood, is one of the most abundant natural organic polymers which provides a multitude of functionalities to be used in various applications and industries.
The importance of lignin is growing and is becoming an indispensable additive in a wide array of industrial and agricultural uses where sustainable natural alternatives for oil-based products are desired.
Using the power of collaboration and partnerships, Sappi actively pursues opportunities to unlock the hidden potential of lignin by developing innovative solutions to support a biobased circular economy.
Binding: A very effective and economical adhesive, acting as a binding agent or glue in pellets or compressed materials.
Dispersing: Prevents the clumping and settling of undissolved particles in suspensions. By attaching to particle surface, lignin keeps the particle from being attracted to other particles and reduces the amount of water dilution needed to use the product effectively.
Emulsifying: Stabilises emulsions of liquids like oil and water which do not form a homogenous mixture when added together, making them highly resistant to separating.
Sequestering: Ties up metal ions, preventing them from reacting with other compounds and becoming insoluble. Metal ions sequestered with lignin stay dissolved in solution, keeping them available to plants and preventing scaly deposits in water systems