Global business strategy

Inherent in our approach is being agile to stay ahead of market changes, preferences, customer needs and expectations.

Through collaboration and innovation, we will grow profitably, using our strength as a sustainable and diversified global woodfibre group, focused on dissolving pulp (DP), graphic papers, packaging papers, speciality papers and biomaterials.

Our Thrive strategy is an iterative process seeking to implement opportunities to reduce cost and/or grow the business while sustaining a healthy balance sheet and enhancing relationships. A fine balance of continuous capital prioritisation.

Our Thrive strategy is executed by our people and therefore we are focused on growing our human potential, ensuring we have sustainably engaged people and are extending our positive influence to the communities where we operate around the world to create shared value.

Our Thrive strategy responds to various global forces and market trends. It is built on four main objectives with annual and longer-term actions and targets, some set for delivery by 2025 while others, including our Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) commitments, are set for delivery beyond 2025.


Measuring our progress

Guided by our strategy, we measure our progress holistically against our mission, collaborating and partnering with stakeholders as we strive to be a trusted and sustainable organisation with an exciting future in woodfibre.

Find a detailed analysis of our progress on the key strategic objectives here.

We continued to make the tough decisions necessary to protect and enhance our business’s resilience and sustainability, looking beyond our current situation to the thriving future we wish to create.
Sir Nigel Rudd, Chairman and Steve Binnie, Chief Executive Officer of Sappi Limited
Take a look through Sappi’s Q3 FY24 financial results for the period ended June 2024.

See the latest share price and other share information.

Our global activity extends to three continents, selling millions of tons of high-quality products to customers all over the world.