Red Rock is a not-for-profit coffee shop located in Mountain View, CA that is built upon three core values: caffeine, culture, and community. In partnership with BRUTE LABS, Project RUN! is a program that educates low-income elementary school students about the benefits of exercise and running while reinvigorating existing physical education programs within schools.
Over the past three decades, obesity rates have more than tripled for children aged 6-11 years. Overweight adolescents have a 70% chance of becoming overweight or obese adults. While national guidelines recommend 150 minutes of physical activity each week for elementary children and 225 minutes for older children, only Illinois has a statewide requirement for daily physical education.
Brute Labs will partner with 15 low-income bay-area elementary schools, to reinvigorate their physical education curricula with projectRUN! in a box. The boxes will contain tracking cards, markers for students to design their tracking cards, project plans, pamphlets, iPods and t-shirts. Target schools will be selected based on % of students on school lunch. For every lap a student runs above the required minimum, they get points on their tracking card. Every time they beat their personal best in the mile, they earn another. Every point equals a raffle ticket that can be entered into a drawing. At the end of RUN!, Brute Labs raffles off 2 grand prizes of an iPod shuffle. Top runners of each gender and grade also earn a Brute Labs runner t-shirt.