The goal of the Madagascar Ankizy Fund is to build schools and clinics in remote areas of Madagascar.
The island of Madagascar is the fourth largest in the world with more than 17 million people. 75% live below the poverty line, and an average life expectancy is 53 years. 50% of children are severely stunted in their growth, more than 50% of the population is under the age of 18, yet there are no schools in the rural areas where they are needed most.
When Grace Pease, a 15-year-old girl from Maine, USA, learned about Madagascar she wanted to do something to help. Woodworth Associates designed a fundraising package for Grace to use in area schools when she talks about her work in Madagascar to students and teachers.
In Addition, Grace and her mother produced a PowerPoint presentation using many of the photos that appeared in the brochures, forming a complete package to inform teachers and students in the United States about the plight of Malagasy children, and how they can help.