Friends for Life Animal Sanctuary is a registered, non-profit, volunteer-based, true no-kill organization. They maintain an adoption center and a network of foster homes to care for as many animals as they can.
Though rescuing animals is an important focus, it became obvious that it was not having enough of an impact on overpopulation statistic. So Friends for Life established education and outreach programs to better serve not only the animals but also the people who love them.
Jesse von Glük designed and authored a children's book which Friends for Life could use to solicit donations. In a sense the books act as a metaphor for the organization. She also made the book available in a premium priced limited edition to attract larger donations from large corporations.
The campaign has been enormously successful, giving Friends for Life an alternate source of revenue to enable them to produce more traditional marketing materials, as well as directly supporting their overhead needs. The book continues to sell strongly at Friends for Life special events and auctions, and has also been picked up by Starbucks for sale in their coffee shops.