Joey’s Corner is a non-profit design studio dedicated to providing pro-bono, strategic creative services to non-profit groups focusing on health care, children’s and social well-being issues.
A year-in-review booklet will be created to present the range of beneficiaries Joey's Corner clients support, from newborns with congenital heart defects, to at-risk teen girls, to seniors with dementia. It will also show the range of materials Joey's Corner has created, from logos and business systems to invitations, murals and websites.
Client testimonials will be a key part of the narrative. Clients are, in a sense, Joey's Corner's most eloquent spokespeople. They tell the "design story" from the non-profit point-of-view. They are articulate in describing their organizations' specific challenges, and passionate about the benefits they derive from professionally-designed and produced materials. This piece will help educate non-profit organizations and donors about the value of well-designed visual communications. The year-in-review booklet will also demonstrate and reinforce the "branding" of Joey’s Corner — a marketing concept that many non-profits find confusing.