The SoftSpot is a collaborative devoted to social and humanitarian design with the purpose of developing a stronger community involvement in integrating and enhancing the staples of human life.
The SoftSpot serves contemporary thinkers and doers, socially active artists, and urban progressives who wish to raise public awareness of the great social responsibility that comes with design's dignified power of giving form and meaning to the degrees of freedom and life. The organization wishes to provide a community center for designers, creatives, and the public to be able to come together and connect with one another allowing for collaboration, which is where one of the most powerful new directions for design lies and thrives.
Ultimately, the SoftSpot wants to enable more designers to be actively involved in creating a higher quality of life. To make this dream come true, we are working towards providing a community establishment and an ongoing publication that will inspire inform and initiate positive social change.
We all have a softspot. Our goal is to empower yours.