
The group returned to positive earnings in the quarter with an EBITDA excluding special items of US$147 million, an operating profit excluding special items of US$60 million and a profit for the period of US$18 million.
The past quarter saw an improvement in the operating performance of all three of our operating regions, despite tough market conditions overall.
Sappi today confirmed that they have concluded the sale of Sappi’s Usutu Forest Products Company Limited to local Swaziland business Montigny Investments.
Six campagnes hors du commun, imaginées par des étudiants de plusieurs pays d’Europe, ont remporté les prix du programme Ideas that Matter de Sappi Fine Paper Europe.
Un travail d’équipe exemplaire : 2200 arbres plantés en 2 heures L’équipe de Sappi Fine Paper Europe basée à Bruxelles et l’Agence pour la Forêt et la Nature (ANB) ont une nouvelle fois uni leurs forces. Cette année, ils ont créé un couloir vert destiné à atténuer la pollution générée par les automobilistes bruxellois dans leurs trajets quotidiens.
Brussels, 31 March 2011 - Sappi Fine Paper Europe envisages the closure of its Biberist Mill in Switzerland in response to market conditions and sustained increases in input costs and begins consultations
Sappi Fine Paper Europe launches the 12th edition of the Ideas that Matter Graphic Competition and challenges you to project your passion through paper.
Sappi Fine Paper Europe embraces digital media to connect with the international design community through the revamping of its ‘Ideas that Matter’ Competition, making a difference to our world through print.
Brussels - Sappi Fine Paper Europe announced today that it will cease production of coated graphic paper at its Biberist paper mill in Switzerland. After due and thorough consideration during the consultation process with local employees ending on 16 May 2011 the definitive decision to discontinue the coated graphic paper production was taken.
Sappi Fine Paper Europe has today launched its second call for entries for the Sappi European Printers of the Year Awards 2012.
