
We’ve learned that what’s in your paper is only part of the picture. Responsible sourcing of materials is critical, and we must also consider the environmental impacts of manufacturing—including the impacts associated with processing recovered paper.
With innovation and ingenuity, we are making our mills eco-effective—reducing carbon emissions and maximising material and resource use at every opportunity.
While the basics of papermaking process has changed very little over the centuries, woodfibre only became the main raw material for mass paper production in the mid-19th century. The key advantage of using woodfibre is that it is a natural renewable resource.
We’re unlocking the power of trees to make every day more sustainable – for the customers we serve, the communities where we operate and the planet we all call home.
By reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and scaling up nature-based solutions, Sappi is increasingly part of the solution to climate change.
With innovation and ingenuity, we are making our business and yours more eco-effective—reducing waste, emissions and maximising material and resource use at every opportunity. 
With Project Trado, we're exploring the use of blockchain technology to enhance the sustainability of the global supply chain for packaging solutions.
Together with our partners, we’re developing applications with woodfibre never imagined before.
Misconceptions about paper and printing exist in all types of media. Here, we show you seven truths about forests and paper in North America.
We practise and promote sustainable forestry to ensure that forestland stays forested for generations to come. 
