How to decrease coating colour waste by more than 85% at Stockstadt Mill.
Optimising our transport to reduce Co2 emissions at Sappi's Wesel Logistics Center.
Pieni investointi pastasäiliön imuputkien muutoksiin tuotti kustannussäästöjä ja vähensi hukkaan menevän pastan määrää.
Directing waste water through additional heat exchangers which supply four hectares of greenhouses while reducing CO2 emissions at Sappi's Gratkorn's Mill.
Changing ferry port and using a new warehouse has resulted in a faster, more flexible service, yet no increase in CO2 emissions by Sappi's Wesel Logistics.
Producing our standard high quality paper without a cooling hood whilst saving energy and money at Sappi's Ehingen Mill.
Reporting measures that make energy consumption transparent for everybody, involving all employees at Sappi's Lanaken Mill.
Optimising train loading capacity and how an environmentally friendly project can reduce costs at Sappi's Gratkorn Mill.
Stronger, more durable pallets carrier heavier loads and supporting the environment at Sappi's Hannover Sales office.
Generate green energy with biogas at Sappi's Lanaken Mill.
