brand banner Sappi GalerieArt
GalerieArt papers. For your brand, your budget and your next brilliant idea. Delivering your brand with consistent quality, on time, anywhere in the world. GalerieArt offers you the widest range of paper choices and surfaces across an uncompromising spectrum of weights.

GalerieArt products meet all the environmental criteria you expect to support your brand image. Produced in our European mills meeting the highest quality and environmental standards.


brand banner Sappi GalerieArt

Use this comparison chart to easily find the GalerieArt paper that perfectly matches your requirements for each print job.

GalerieArt Gloss Plus Gloss Silk Plus Silk Matt Volume Natural Web Gloss Web Silk
Show through (opacity)
Image reproduction quality
Bulky, thick feel
Shiny, glossy surface
Read text without surface glare
Smoothness of surface
Show through (opacity)
Gloss 3/5
Plus Gloss 4/5
Silk 3/5
Plus Silk 5/5
Matt 5/5
Volume 5/5
Natural 5/5
Web Gloss 4/5
Web Silk 4/5
Image reproduction quality
Gloss 5/5
Plus Gloss 4/5
Silk 5/5
Plus Silk 4/5
Matt 3/5
Volume 2/5
Natural 2/5
Web Gloss 5/5
Web Silk 5/5
Bulky, thick feel
Gloss 2/5
Plus Gloss 3/5
Silk 3/5
Plus Silk 4/5
Matt 4/5
Volume 5/5
Natural 5/5
Web Gloss 0/5
Web Silk 0/5
Shiny, glossy surface
Gloss 5/5
Plus Gloss 4/5
Silk 3/5
Plus Silk 3/5
Matt 2/5
Volume 1/5
Natural 0/5
Web Gloss 0/5
Web Silk 0/5
Read text without surface glare
Gloss 1/5
Plus Gloss 1/5
Silk 3/5
Plus Silk 3/5
Matt 4/5
Volume 4/5
Natural 5/5
Web Gloss 1/5
Web Silk 4/5
Smoothness of surface
Gloss 5/5
Plus Gloss 4/5
Silk 4/5
Plus Silk 3/5
Matt 2/5
Volume 2/5
Natural 1/5
Web Gloss 0/5
Web Silk 0/5
Gloss 5/5
Plus Gloss 5/5
Silk 5/5
Plus Silk 5/5
Matt 5/5
Volume 5/5
Natural 5/5
Web Gloss 0/5
Web Silk 0/5
Gloss 0/5
Plus Gloss 0/5
Silk 0/5
Plus Silk 0/5
Matt 0/5
Volume 0/5
Natural 0/5
Web Gloss 5/5
Web Silk 5/5

A high white, high gloss, smooth surface for the finest image detail and vibrant colour reproduction.

A high white, high bulk gloss paper increasing the perceived value of your communication.

The ultimate silk surface for intense glossy images and an excellent reading experience.

A high white, high bulk silk paper increasing the perceived value of your communication.

A high volume matt paper with a pleasant feel and non-reflective surface.

A superior high bulk matt paper combining a natural uncoated feel with coated image reproduction.

A warm pleasant uncoated feel providing natural colour tones to your images.

Una superficie realmente brillante con una perfecta reproducción de imagen y excelente fiabilidad

Superficie satinada que proporciona un tacto suave con una óptima reproducción de imagen y una excelente legibilidad

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