Woodlot services​

The SNA Maine Forestry Program will work with you to help identify and achieve your goals and objectives for your woodland.

Woodlot Evaluation and Planning

Our foresters can:

Help you with all aspects that go into woodland evaluation, planning and timber harvesting including identifying:

  • Your goals and objectives
  • Natural and cultural characteristics of your woodland
  • Boundary lines of your woodland

Coordinate Timber Harvest Activities

  • Perform harvest layout
  • Contract a harvest operator
  • Act as your agent in the sale of your timber

Develop Management Plans

Watch Faces of the Forest: Meet the Town of Falmouth, Maine

I've had the opportunity to work with SAPPI staff and contractors managing Maine's Public Reserve Lands for several years. It has been a very satisfying experience. SAPPI's managers, field staff and contractors are all extremely professional and dedicated to helping us meet our management objectives. Often these objectives are somewhat unique, requiring extra care and attention to detail. I have found SAPPI to be very responsive to my questions and requests, and committed to doing the best job possible.
Chuck Simpson, Regional Land Manager, Eastern Region, Bureau of Parks and Lands, Maine Department of Conservation

Marketing Your Timber

With our log sales manager and procurement team, we will maximize the return from your timber harvest by marketing your wood to the highest value and best use.

Forest Operations

The SNA Maine Forestry Program requires that any logging contractor working in our progam is fully insured (worker's compensation/liability) and holds a current Certified Logging Professional (CLP) certificate.

To meet the objectives of your woodland, we contract with many operators who utilize several different harvesting systems. Some examples are:

  • Conventional (chainsaw, skidder)
  • Cut to Length (harvester/processor, forwarder)
  • Full Tree/Tree Length (fellerbuncher, skidder, stroke delimber or slasher/pull through delimber, chipper)