North America

Sappi Dissolving Pulp has partnered with Birla Cellulose, one of the leading viscose manufacturers in the textile value chain, to provide a forest-to-garment traceability solution for brand owners.
By reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and scaling up nature-based solutions, Sappi is increasingly part of the solution to climate change.
Transforming tomorrow today
Our solutions have changed the industry and sustainability standards globally.
Explore innovation in depth
R&D is focused on helping to achieve our ambitious but achievable strategy of extracting more value from each tree and leveraging the changing dynamics between the environment, consumers and the products they require.
Black liquor, a by-product of the pulping process is sometimes referred to as ‘black gold’ because of the high levels of energy it contains.
Brewing up new uses for woodfibre
Maine Coasters & Bio-Boards (Maine Coasters) envisioned producing biodegradable coasters manufactured from Sappi softwood pulp and spent grains leftover from the brewing process.
Rethinking energy and society
Climate change has resulted in shifting seasons and climbing temperatures, threatening to deprive us of the very things – air, water, food and a safe place to live – we depend on for survival.
Diving deep into more sustainable pulping technology
Currently, pulping of wood to isolate cellulose fibres for paper production uses energy-intensive technologies developed more than a century ago that require fossil chemicals.
A sweet success
The recyclability of products has become just as important to consumers as quality and price. At the same time, consumers are also insisting on food packaging that’s safe.
Cooking with gas: circularity in action
Matane Mill in Quebec produces its own biogas from raw process wastewater using anaerobic reactor technology.
