
Supporting the health and wellbeing of Sappi people and the communities where we operate is a top priority for our company.
The Covid-19 pandemic did have some silver linings. For the apprentices at our Skills Centres, it inspired the creation of a new business to supply reusable cloth masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE) in South Africa.
We empower people at Sappi Skills Centres to succeed in jobs and enterprises of tomorrow, not just today.
“History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children” said Nelson Mandela in a speech at the United Nations in 2002. Decades on at Sappi we continue to make that difference through our ongoing investment Early Childhood Development (ECD).
Creating shared value with peanut farmers empowered by Sappi.
Together with the Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa, we're weeding out poverty.
The Eucalypts are the world’s most valuable and most widely planted commercial plantation tree genus. Discover why and how with Sappi in South Africa in this FAQ.
Nanocellulose is a sustainable cellulose fibre that's naturally biodegradable and recyclable in Sappi Valida. Discover how in this FAQ.
We act as responsible stewards of the natural resources under our watch, including our landholdings in Southern Africa classified as inland wetlands. This FAQ explains how.
Paper is a renewable and recyclable material that can be a responsible choice in your print and digital media mix. This FAQ shows how with a focus on Southern Africa where Sappi was born in 1936.
