Kirkniemi Mill is located in Lohja, a lakeside city just one hour’s drive from Helsinki. The mill’s over 550 employees produce exceptional coated papers destined for high-quality printers. The mill is proud to support two organisations that advocate for at-risk youth in the community: the Hope Foundation and Save the Children Finland.
The HOPE Foundation is a Finnish non-profit founded in 2008 by ordinary mothers who wanted to help low-income children and families. Many kids from these families never get to experience the magic and joy of birthday parties. With support from our mill, we gave them parties they’ll never forget with activities, games, decorations, cake and fun for all their specially invited guests. Far more than a celebration, these parties help build confidence and improve social integration for marginalised youth.
Operating in Finland since 1922, Save the Children provides many essential services for disadvantaged youth, including programmes that support school attendance and hobbies that their caregivers struggle with. Students receive learning materials and mentoring as well as benefit from opportunities to engage in extracurricular activities from football and ballet to music lessons. In 2019, the mill began supporting two high school students as part of a three-year programme.