Reach Out and Touch

Reach Out and Touch is a tactile magazine exploring the joy of physical touch in the digital age.

Reach Out and Touch magazine cover

Print is a haptic experience and an enduring force in the digital age. The Reach Out and Touch magazine provides professionals from across the marketing, advertising and media landscapes with the tools and data they need to delight consumers and strengthen brands via a multi-sensory journey.

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Discover the power of analogue by yourself

Reach Out and Touch– with its thought-provoking essays, eye-opening statistics, powerful illustrations and tactile pages – takes you on a journey to discover how the power of touch changes the way we think, feel and behave; and ultimately, influences how we spend our money.

This magazine shows how print media is an effective element to generate ROI and essential element in the marketing mix covering the following topics and more:

  • How feel affects purchasing decisions
  • The importance of packaging design
  • How sight loss transformed an architect’s career
  • Five leading artists enthuse about their most treasured tactile experiences
  • A ground-breaking ad that excites the senses
  • A paper engineer on her medium of choice
  • The value of print in a multi-channel campaign
  • How independent titles are bucking the trend
  • Exciting advances in paper technology

“This book shows how important haptics is in the decision-making process. Print evokes feelings that are rarely replicated by digital, as well as prompting high levels of engagement.”

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