Think before you ink - Have you used print to make a difference today

Sappi announces 6 nominees for the 12th edition of the Ideas that Matter Graphic Competition consisting of both design students and creative professionals, from which two winners will be selected by public vote. Two overall winners have already been selected by a professional jury and will be announced in early December along with the results of the public vote.

The 12th edition of Sappi Fine Paper Europe’s Ideas that Matters design competition is heating up with the announcement by the jury of 6 nominees, from which 2 winners will be announced at the beginning of December. Sappi is very proud of its design competition as it gives entrants the possibility of realising their designs, and not simply concentrating on the theory. The competition serves to raise awareness about good causes and important societal issues in the fields of culture, education, healthcare, the environment, human rights and society, through the medium of print.

Following the selection meeting held at Sappi’s Brussels Headquarters on 16th November 2011, Sophie de Guignard, Marketing Initiatives Team Leader said, “Entries reflected the passion of the designers both in terms of the issues that were chosen as well as the creative means chosen to communicate these issues through print. I am very excited about the opportunity to showcase the winning designs and for Sappi to help make a difference by bringing the ideas that matter alive. Our new website has really facilitated the entry process and I am already looking forward to seeing results of our next entry round which opened on 01 Nov 2011 and will close on 30 April 2011.”

The six nominees are as follows:

Stefanie Jagschitz​    ‘Say no to poor and diseased’, Nein zu Arm und Krank

Pascal Krenn​     ‘No forest, no animals’, Bund Deutscher Tierfreunde

Koen Lamberecht ​     ‘Frank & Linda, 60 years marriage’, Vlaamse Alzheimerliga

Koen Lamberecht ​    ‘Louis 3,2 kg – 48 cm – 30 years to live’, MUCO association

Marie Reichl​     ‘Everyone deserves a second chance’, Garbarage upcycling design

Danielle Schaffelaars​     ‘Borst BAAN’, Kenniscentrum Borstvoeding​

The nominees will be showcased on the competition website where members of the public are invited to vote for 2 winners. Voting is open to everyone and can be done via the competition website between 21 November and 02 December. The judges have already selected 2 overall winners (one design student and one creative professional). All four winners will be announced in early December.!/IdeasThatMatterSappiEU!/ITM_eu

More information about Sappi

Sappi Fine Paper Europe is the leading European producer of coated fine paper used in premium magazines, catalogues, books and high-end print advertising. Headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, Sappi Fine Paper Europe is recognised for innovation and quality. Its graphic paper brands include Magno, Quatro, Royal, Galerie and GalerieArt ranges. Algro, Fusion, Leine and Parade are the brands for speciality labelling, topliner, packaging papers and boards. Top and Jaz are the paper brands for digital printing.

Sappi papers are produced in mills accredited with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certification and EMAS registration for all our mills in the EU. SFPE’s mills hold chain-of-custody certification under the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and/or the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) schemes.

Sappi Fine Paper Europe is a division of Sappi Limited (NYSE, JSE), a global company
headquartered in Johannesburg, South Africa, with over 17,000 employees and manufacturing
operations on four continents in 9 countries, sales offices in 50 countries, and customers in over 100 countries around the world. Learn more about Sappi at


For further information or visuals, please contact:

Elsa Mouillé
Press & Media Relations Coordinator
Tel: +32 2 676 97 25
Mobile: +32 479 588 009

Sophie de Guignard
Marketing Initiatives Team Leader
Tel: +32 2 676 97 35
Mobile: +33 6 0725 1414