Brussels/Munich, March 8 2013
On January 1 2013 SCA Hygiene Products (SCA) and Sappi Fine paper Europe (Sappi) have joint forces in the field of wood sourcing in Germany. Both SCA and Sappi are holding a 50% share in the joint venture which will be rebranded proNARO GmbH and move its registered office from Hönsbach (Germany) to Stokstadt (Germany).
proNARO strategically focuses on the wood sourcing process of pulp operations in Alfeld, Stockstadt, Mannheim and Ehingen and also pursues the current bio mass activities. The annual buying volume is 2.8 m solid cubic metre wood.
"This is another meaningful step in the co-operation between SCA and Sappi and secures a wood supply on a long-term basis for our pulp production in a cost efficient, sustainable and professional way” states Randy Rotermund, Director Supply Chain & Procurement of Sappi Fine Paper Europe.
"Wood as a raw material is the most important cost factor for pulp production and therefore of immense meaning for the industries’ competitiveness. A co-operation with Sappi opens up new possibilities and chances for our wood sourcing organization and logistics and provides significant cost savings” adds Andy Woodburn, Vice President Supply Tissue Business Unit AFH Professional Hygiene Europe.
With the joint venture SCA and Sappi continue their successful co-operation in the sourcing of wood and chemical raw material.
For additional information, please contact:
Claudia Hammerich
Manager Corporate Communications
Sappi Fine Paper Europe
Sappi Europe SA
Chaussee de la Hulpe 166
B-1170 Brussels
Tel + 32(0)26769784
Mobile +32(0)472618966
Fax +32(0)26769669
Katrin Wagner
Communications Director Germany
SCA Hygiene Products
SCA Hygiene Products SE
Adalperostraße 31
85737 Ismaning
Tel +49(0)89 97006 434
Fax +49(0)89 97006 644
Mobile +49(0)1726354020