Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest provides lifetime quality care for formerly abused or exploited chimpanzees, while advocating for great apes through education and collaboration.
There are approximately 1,200 chimpanzees used in biomedical research and 220 used for entertainment or kept as pets in the United States today. The chimpanzees at CSNW were test subjects for hepatitis vaccine trials in the biomedical research industry and were used to breed more chimpanzees for biomedical research. Each of them spent a majority of their 23 to 26 years in 5'x5'7' single occupancy metal cages. For several years, after they were no longer useful as research subjects, they were housed in a windowless basement of a laboratory with no access to the outdoors.
When CSNW started in 2003, the organization had limited money and focused their energy on electronic communications and social networking. With these efforts, they developed a loyal but very small group of roughly 1,200 individual supporters, mostly from the Seattle area. Currently, the sanctuary has only 2 printed communication pieces: a tri-fold brochure, which they printed shortly after the chimpanzees arrived, and “calling cards” that were designed and donated by a printing company in February 2009. In order to build their individual donor base, better cultivate their donors and start reaching out to corporations and foundations, CSNW will need a cohesive set of compelling and informative print materials that explain the importance of the sanctuary through the stories of Foxie, Burrito, Negra, Jamie, Annie, Jody and Missy. These materials will give the sanctuary new tools for attracting and informing new donors and build stronger relationships with existing donors.
The project will consist of outreach materials that can be either mailed or strategically displayed. The four printed elements (poster, postcard, brochure and booklet) will each play a critical role in Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest’s long-term efforts to extend its sustainability and expand its facility.