Green Maps develops local sustainability networks and expands the demand for healthy, green choices across the world.
To date, more than 300 unique locally-published Green Maps have helped to bring people of all ages, cultures and economic levels together to discover, share and care for their communities.
Designing and identity for the organization that would make it more visible, and invite people to find out more about it was more daunting than it sounds. It could not afford to alienate the mapmakers in communities around the world. Except for the universal icons on every Green Map, the design choices are determined locally, resulting in little conformity from one map to another.
The campaign was well received. Distribution has included the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Environmental Quality Awards (Green Map was a 2007 recipient), Washington DC's Sustainable Design Expo, the American Planning Association National Conference (Philidelphia), Yale University's Envirolution and the United Nations.