Produced from sustainable cellulose fibre, Valida nanocellulose responds to a critical need to replace undesirable products, used to impart performance characteristics such as reinforcement and stabilisation, with sustainable natural ingredients.
Across the globe, consumers are seeking more natural ingredients that make them feel good about themselves and their environmental footprint. Although the demand is clear, companies still struggle to find a suitable replacement that provides viscosity and other benefits associated with artificial compounds.
Sappi Valida provides an alternative solution to support a more sustainable lifecycle and is compatible with a diverse range of applications such as:
With Valida we use innovative technology to contribute to a thriving world through reliable and relevant solutions by extracting more value from each tree. As we focus on creating value for our shareholders from relevant, sustainable woodfibre products, we take cognisance of our impact on the planet and our stakeholders to ensure that all benefit in the long term.
Explore more about our focus and commitment to sustainability here.
Valida is a renewable material - natural cellulose, the most abundant organic material on earth. Valida contains the smallest component of cellulose - cellulose fibrils. Dispersed in water, cellulose fibrils form an extensive network through hydrogen bonding and mechanical entanglement. The formed network stabilises particles in suspension and oil-in-water emulsions without an emulsifier.
Valida has a high viscosity at rest and is extremely shear thinning. Valida is also thixotropic; when the shear is removed, viscosity is quickly restored. This is what makes Valida so versatile for many applications.