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Use the interactive tools and data feeds in this section to keep up with Sappi’s latest share information.

There’s also plenty of detail charting our progress in recent years, as we’ve continued to grow into a profitable and cash-generative diversified woodfibre group.

Share quote
Find details of Sappi’s live and historic share quotes.

Browse our detailed information to learn everything you need to know about the Sappi ADR (American Depositary Receipt) programme.

Our policy is to consider dividends on an annual basis.
Our Thrive strategy will deliver enhanced rewards for our shareholders, the top 20 of which can be found here.

Sappi is followed by a number of market analysts. Their names and contact details can be found herein.

Tracy Wessels
Group Head Investor Relations and Sustainability
Sappi Limited (Reg no 1936/008963/06)
108 Oxford Road
Johannesburg, 2196
South Africa
+27 (0)11 407 8391