Usine Cloquet

Located on the banks of the St Louis River since 1898, our Cloquet Mill produces high-quality graphic papers and label paper. The mill can swing production between paper-grade pulp for internal consumption and dissolving pulp (DP) for the open market.

Our integrated pulp and paper mill in Cloquet, Minnesota, is the most modern pulp mill operating in the US. By utilizing Continuous Batch Cooking, we are able to achieve extended delignification while maintaining high yield and strength properties. Also in 2013, we further modernized the pulp mill by adding two additional batch digesters as well as an acid pre-hydrolysis stage and an ozone bleaching stage. These changes, along with modifications to our wood yard and pulp dryer, enable the mill to make either DP for the textile market or bleached kraft pulp used for papermaking.



2201 Avenue B
PO Box 511
Cloquet, Minnesota 55720
United States of America
Tom Radovich
Managing Director
+1 218 879 2300

​Cloquet Mill and our community

Employees at the Cloquet Mill are committed to giving back to their local communities. They regularly volunteer their time and make financial contributions to a range of community organizations. Our mill-based Community Relations Committee coordinates outreach efforts to non-profit groups such as the United Way, the local fire and police departments, as well as over 20 local school programs.

Mill leadership is also very committed to the local community with several of the Mill Leadership Team Members serving on various boards for a number of local organizations such as, Fond Du Loc Tribal Community College Scholarship Foundation, United Way, Chamber of Commerce, Cloquet Community Memorial Hospital, and Cloquet Planning Board, to name a few.