The Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI®) program is a comprehensive system of objectives and performance measures which integrate the sustained growing and harvesting of trees and the protection of plants and animals. It is based on the premise that responsible environmental behavior and sound business decisions can co-exist. SFI program participants practice sustainable forestry on all lands they manage and influence millions of additional acres through the training of loggers and foresters in best management practices and landowner outreach programs. Its standards cover forest management and wood and fiber procurement practices in the United States and Canada.
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®). Established in 1994 by an international group of timber users, traders and representatives from human rights and environmental organizations, the FSC is a non-profit entity that supports environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable management of the world's forests. This was achieved through the creation of an auditing system to inspect and verify that a forest was operated in accordance with FSC standards.